Laser Tag

Skirmish Laser Tag Wycombe is a fun alternative to Paintball.

You can experience the adventure and adrenaline of running around the Paintball game zones, diving from barricades and trenches, playing team based games like Flag Capture, but with no projectiles, so therefore without the need for restrictive safety items like Goggles and Body Armour!

Laser Tag at Skirmish Wycombe is a fun and enjoyable option to experience the spirit of Paintball, without firing projectiles. The Laser Tag guns use infra-red technology, fired from the barrel of the Laser Guns, and sensors on a headband, and on the top of the guns to register the infra-red beams, and detect a hit. The Laser guns are incredible accurate to a range of 100+ metres.

Due to the game being totally safe, it is great for schools and childrens parties. Players aged 8+ can come play at Laser Tag, where they will recieve the latest Laser equipment, aswell as camo suits and hats.

Laser games at Skirmish Wycombe are ideal for teambuilding, corporate events, and private party laser games.


All of our laser tag bookings have a designated two hour slot (which includes book in, kit up and safety brief). Please remember that your booking time is not when games commence, it is when the booking in process starts.

The following session slots are available for midweek & weekend bookings:

10:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00

To book a Laser Tag session you will require a minimum of 12 players.

Laser Tag Prices

If you are quoted a better price or package elsewhere please give us the chance to match it!

See Laser Tag Prices